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Planning Retirement in Puerto Peñasco
Puerto Peñasco located just sixty miles south of mexico border with Arizona, a combination of sea and the desert makes it unique and magical place, it also has obtained level ll clean beach certification for a stretch along “Islas Del Mar“, becoming the most extensive recreational and sustainable coastline in mexico, thus guaranteeing visitors safety, trust and cleanliness on a board extension of beach.

Prices for accommodations are quite pleasing to the pocketbook, compared to other places situated directly on the beach, a fantastic option if you are looking for a tranquil lifestyle, still close to the USA, and saving money in living costs. One of the most significant advantages of retiring in Puerto Peñasco is being close to the United States or Canada. Travelling back and forth is really simple and fast.

You will find the most friendly and helpful people, if your Spanish skills are limited or non-existing don’t even worry, most of the people in Puerto Peñasco speaks English, they wont hesitate to help you if needed.

Puerto Peñasco is probably one of the safest places to travel in Mexico according to the Statistical Analysis of crime incidence and 911 calls by municipality – January – June 2020 Puerto Peñasco has a 1.66% crime rate in the state, making it one of the 3 main safe destinations in Sonora.

The water is stunning shade of blue and perfect temperature.
5.- FOOD
Eating in Puerto Peñasco means enjoying their delicious seafood offerings. The most popular dishes are prepared with freshly caught ingredients from the sea, you can also find very Traditional Food: chimichangas, machaca, posole, tacos made with the best flour and corn tortillas.